beginning of October; chestnuts, figs, crisp mornings and evenings
drawing in ever earlier. We are relishing wrapping up under more and
more layers as we make the most of the clear skies before winter
here is also the time when animals are walked back down from high
grazing in the mountains to lower, more hospitable, ground for the
winter. These 'Transhumances' are often accompanied by 'fĂȘtes' and
communal meals as the village traditionally welcomes back the
shepherds and the herdsmen. We watched a flock of sheep arrive back
in a nearby village with the community out to welcome them home. It
was quite moving to think that in the past these farmers may have had
no contact with their families and neighbours for those summer months
spent caring for their flocks and this welcome home was a real
sister came to visit and we had a special weekend of adventure with
her: Vulture spotting in Bugarach (the mountain destined to be the
sole location to survive a 2012 Apocolypse according to some
interpretations of Mayan prophecies- or something like that, I didn't
check the details), hot springs in Rennes-les-Bains where you can
bathe in warm pools in the river (it feels magical!) and the nearby
Fontaine des Amours where the freezing river water runs through a
beautiful deep pool carved out into smoothly shaped rock – only for
swimmers as brave as my seven months pregnant sister. Then some time
spent modelling clay figures in the wood around a fire and barbecue
and lots of chatting...
girls and I have been trying to mark Autumn in our crafts and walks
and wanders. Collecting lots of leaves; enormous Plane leaves the
size of my two hands together, picking out the brightest coloured
ones like magpies after jewels and stashing them into pockets for
afternoon collages. We've made a 'hybernation nest' out of a takeaway
pizza box and lots of seasonal decorations although it remains very
clearly a cut up and reimagined pizza box and it usually looks like
it's hosting a crazy animal discotheque rather than cosy nest for the
winter. I'm regularly inspired by ideas about how to live seasonally,
ground the children in nature's rythms but there always lies a
conflict between my vision of this and the children's own imagination
and creativity. Our Autumn display, on the window sill outside of our
house, is in fact a constant battlefield, my conkers and rosy crab
apples vs. Little L's scavanged old crisp packets and cigarette
butts. I'm really not sure how other parents ever create anything
that looks vaguely 'nice' with their children. I fight hard to not
stiffle their creativity but it's hard to accept the small scale
recycling centre on our window sill.
this process of renovation we are trying to recycle the maximum of
materials and use as many 'eco-materials' as possible (taking into
account our budget).
week Florent has been plastering onto the areas of exposed stonework
inside the house (the plaster is a mix of calcic lime, hydraulic
lime, hemp, horse manure and water). This mix should serve a number
of purposes ; the hemp reinforces and adds flexibility to the
plaster necessary because of the uneven stonework behind and will
therefore guard against cracks forming. Over the years, fires burning
in various hearths and chimneys led to a build up of black soot and
grease difficult to remove and the horse manure is added to prevent
the blackened surface of the stones leeching through the plaster and
eventually staining the surface of the wall. As I am writing this,
Florent has admitted that the manure bit is an experiment. Finally
the calcic lime is for workability and the hydraulic lime is for
strength and also speeds up the drying time.
are some pictures giving a little tour of the house and including
Little L learning on the job... Putting these photos together brought
into all too sharp a focus that the house looks less habitable than
it did when we started. We hope this is normal.
The stairs look good! Hope you got my email about tiles x x