asked Florent for his advice when devising a title for the blog and
asked what words came to his mind when he thought about our imminent
move to the Pyrenees. 'Lentils' was one of the first he volunteered. Because we'll be eating a lot of them. In fact we already do.
The staple in any economical largely vegetarian diet.
thought 'stories'. Whatever happens we'll have stories. Stories for
us to tell, stories that will make up the patchwork of experiences we
will provide for our daughters. They may recount them later in their
lives, tales not remembered but part of their imagination, part of
the collective family history, everyone's version slightly different.
more I thought about these two words, 'story' and 'lentil' the more
they seemed to fit what we are seeking : A simple, soulful and
humble adventure. Those things said, however, I don't doubt that I'll quickly tire of lentils.
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