I feel as if I have had so very little time to write recently. It’s a source of great frustration that when I feel most inspired is often when I am the busiest and when I finally sit down to write, all the tiny scraps of paper with my hastily scribbled notes on have long since disappeared into the debris of our home. Two lines of sudden inspiration in biro lost somewhere among the vegetables piled in baskets, the crockery, a chipped bowl full of lose change and hairbands, tea bags and jars full of pasta… Clutter and mess. A whole other story. Anyway, here I am, home alone with a filthy kitchen but time to write. This summer I yearned for home. I’ve written about this before but I will do again, I'm sorry if it is repetitive but perhaps it's just a song I'll always have for all the places I have called home in England. I’ve dreamt of afternoons in a pub with a pint of cider. I missed charity shops and bookshops brimming with books that aren’t written in the ‘pass...