
Showing posts from February, 2017


February is cabin fever with small children, craft, bake, craft, one clear day for four grey days, germinating seeds, elderly ladies telling me my children are cold*, armfuls of mimosa branches with bright yellow sprays of flowers sold on the market, days out in the snow, a burn out of meal ideas, a toilet that now flushes, piles of washing up, not done, the sound of rain drumming on the roof and anticipation for a four year old's Birthday. Our small living space is cluttered. No amount of decluttering seems to make an impact. There are piles of washing amid train sets to trip over and trays of seeds balanced on the window sill, Little I stood on the table plucking out seedlings one by one and tape measures and head torches and a step ladder... Our solution is still to escape and ignore the mess. So we bundle outside and have been heading to the lake for some hair raising balance biking along the shore. At the head of the lake where there was an empty river bed all summer...